Fruit Maniac jogo:

1 jogador, Bomba, Habilidade com o Rato, Desenhar, Fruta, HTML5, Telemóvel, Touchscreen | Data Adicionada 12 Jan 2020
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Fruit Maniac is a free action game. You've sliced fruit before, you've diced fruit before, you've even spliced fruit before. But here, now in this crazy game, we need you to put your radical powers to another use: Drawing. It doesn't take a genius to slash haphazardly at a piece of falling fruit, any fool with a blade can whip and stab at the air. It takes true mastery of the blade to draw imaginary lines in the air which creates a ramp that falling fruit can slide down in order to fall in a bowl. That is your mission. You are here to help the fruit make their way into the bowl so that they don't fall onto the floor and bruise.

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